Wednesday, December 9, 2009

County Fair time

I thought good things were to come when I saw the size of the fairgrounds earlier in the summer due to the go-Kart club having races there. I was least mostly. WAY better than the county fairs in Kansas.. not *quite* as good as the Monroe County Fair...but then again.. that was labled "Michigans finest county fair".. and thats a hard bill to follow.

I leafed through the schedule of events: Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (hmm... I like some of their stuff...but do I want to pay 25 dollars that I don't really have to see them...)Jr Bull riding/ Donkey Polo (this has my interest.. I like rodeos.. and donkey polo HAS to be good.. right?) Free concert: Johnny Lee (Hey.. I like him... or at least used to! and its FREE!) There were some other events, such as the Demo Derby, but most either didn't interest me much, or I didn't think Sierra would enjoy them.

Sierra and I walked to the fairgrounds to see the animals, and check things out on the night of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band concert. She enjoyed seeing the lady walking around on stilts who juggled, and was mesmerized by the bunjee jumping ride (ack!!). She loved the least until one of the goats scared her by popping his head over his gate. :) It was kinda funny, but she wanted no part of the goats after that the rest of the way, and was skiddish about them the rest of the week as well. The bad part was, there were some 4 day old goats just down from the one that scared her, and she wasn't interested in them anymore either. One of the 4-H kids let her pet a cow... she wasn't sure about that either.

We settled down in a nice grassy spot just outside the grandstands and listened to the concert for free. It was a good concert, from what I could tell. Sierra was more interested in the mechanical bull behind us. If I would have had a spare 5 dollars I probably would have seen if he would have let us ride it, since he was letting 2 and 3 year olds ride a really gentle ride. I enjoyed watching the older boys (20ish) think they were tough and get tossed off like a rag doll hahaha.. sadly I wanted to try my luck too. Maybe next year, huh.. lol.
We stayed long enough to hear "Fishing in the Dark" my favorite song of theirs. It was getting dark after that, and it's a fair walk, so I wanted to get home.. before the mountain lions come out.. yanno.

The next day we went at lunchtime with Randal, since there was an office pool to see who could eat the most fair food. I wanted so many different things, but was suffering severely from morning sickness. I settled for my first Indian Taco.. mmmmm.. The elephant ear was a huge treat as well, since no one in Kansas knew what one was. I paid for the grease.. but it was worth it! Sierra and I parted ways after lunch with Randal and saw the animals again. We headed back after that, since it was hot, and I was tired, and knew teh grease wouldn't settle for long.

The junior bull rodeo and the donkey polo wasn't quite what I expected. Randal had to cover it for the paper. I enjoyed the rodeo...mostly. It was a little scary when the one boy got stomped, and I realized for the first time I'd be scared to death if my kids wanted to rodeo it. Funny how parenthood changes your outlook on some sports, huh. The donkey polo...well, it wasn't what I expected.. and in fact, I ended up hating it. I watched a guy break a broom on a donkey, and quickly found myself wanting to break a broom over him. The animal lover in me is starting to be much more alive these days.

The free Johnny Lee concert was pretty cool. ...except for the thunderstorm that blew in. Johnny was pretty funny... although I found some of his jokes to be offcolor...and in bad taste. Guess thats to be expected.. but I don't have to like it. Sierra was dancing as much as she could at her age, and seemed to love it. After the concert I took her up to get her pic with him... she decided to get stranger danger for the very first time, and screamed bloody murder when I handed her to him., the three of us had our pic taken. Not such a bad deal I guess. Johnny also gave me a discount on his signed pic since I'm a loser and only had 3 dollars with me. I appreciated it greatly, since I wanted Sierra to have a momento of the occassion. It's signed to her. Some day she's gonna look at it and go "whoooooooo????" lol.

We went to teh fair every day for lunch. I had some of the best food, and some of hte worst lol. It was fun though. I had a week pass to get in the fair that cost me 10 dollars, versus the 5 a day.. I think I got my moneys worth :)
We also watched a bit of this one other sport as well. I can't think of the name of it now.. it's rather weird though. Two people on horses, a bunch of cows with numbers.. the riders have certain numbers they have to get.. those are teh only cows they can put on the other side of the line. The team that does it in the fastest time win. Probably won't watch it again, unless Randal has to cover it again.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

baseball fever

OVer the summer we went to a large number of American Legion baseball games, which I thought would drive me crazy since I'm not much of a baseball fan, but the boys made it fun to watch. They were awesome at hitting the ball, and had some pretty decent pitchers... including one kid who we will likely see in the major leagues one day. Keep your eye out for Scotty Jameson in a few years. He's in his first year of college now, and before pitching in college, he has a low 90mph fast ball.
In Wyoming, the A and AA program is combined at the state level, and they have to play each other. Our boys won as much as they needed to in order to get to regionals for A ball. We got to do some traveling with the team to Rock Springs, and ultimately a suburb of Salt Lake City, Utah. It was pretty awesome! They took third place, which was one of those heart breaker games that saw the bases loaded, and a final strikeout to end the game with us one point shy of tying things up. I really thought a little different pitching lineup and we'd have won no trouble.. but, thats okay. In its own way, it worked out. Sierra got the flu that day, and was sick the drive home. I felt so bad for her. The next day, I was down for the count, and the following day, Randal and I were both sick.
While in Salt Lake, we went to the zoo, which was smaller than I expected, but still pretty decent. Sierra liked the bears the most. We got her a stuffed Fossa, (from Madagascar), which has turned out to be one of her favorite stuffed animals! We got Trevor a turtle, and he seemed to really love that too. He said he didn't have a turtle before. Randal also took me around downtown so I could see the Mormon temple, and whatnot. His sister requested we find her insurance company and tell them off for her in person ...we never did find them.
We also went out to the salt flats, saw the great salt lake, played in teh desert a lil and ...the craziest thing of all... we were greeted to salt lake by a wildfire!
We almost didn't get to our hotel because the fire was on both sides of the road. About 5 minutes after we got through they shut the expressway. They had it pretty much out that night, which was good, but we missed a lot of the mountain scenery as a result.
The one thing we were told we had to do when in Salt Lake was go to a restaurant called The Red Iguana. IT was THE best mexican food we have ever had the pleasure of eating. I highly reccommend it! IT isn't much to look at from teh outside, and I can see why it made Diners, Drive-ins and Dives on the Food Network. We also saw a few places teh olympics had been held at, including the olympic oval. The baseball stadium was one of the nicest I have ever been in. There were some things about the tournament that needed help, but overall, it was a great experience.
We didn't get to go, but the BAbe Ruth kids made it to regionals as well. They were in Washington. Hopefully that means next year will be another trip to regionals for Legion ball!

playing catch up... again

As you can imagine, life with a young toddler makes writing a lil difficult since I don't really get any breaks from her. I absolutely love her, and don't want to change that, although once she's potty trained, I will enroll her in the daycare at the college to give her that extra boost--social, as well as an extra teaching source.
College has also gotten in the way for me writing also. but, enough with excuses.. and on to trying to play catch up. I will likely for get some stuff, and I know it won't be in order...but at least you will get more info about some stuff we've been doing over the last few months.

I will put them in seperate posts just to make it easier.