Monday, July 18, 2011

wow.. it's been over a year..

It's rather ironic. I was just looking at a friends blog, and read about how she didn't realize it had been over a year since she posted, and now, here I am, 13 months later updating. A lot has happened.. too much to chronicle in one tiny post, but I will touch on a few highlights.

Jasper turned one, he made leaps and bounds with his OT and now doesn't have to go to OT anymore. He's in speech therapy now because he doesn't say a whole heck of a lot...he makes SOME vocalizations, and actually does say about 4 words, but much like his motor skills, he appears to be on "jasper time".

We made several trips to Yellowstone. Not as many this year as we'd like. The road in was under avalanche danger for far too long.

WE've hit the wold horse Range a few times, and since the BLM have removed some horses and given them birth control we haven't saw as many.. very sad indeed!

This year was crazy. The mountains had a ton more snow than usual, and is causing the rivers to flood all over. They are mostly stable now, but we've been getting a fair amount of rain off and on still, which is rather unusual for us, and the threat is still there.. plus some of hte mountains still have snow, so there is still runoff.

I graduated with a double associates! ... just a few more years!!!