Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

Memorial weekend has come and gone. It was a bit on the chilly and rainy side all weekend, which pretty much sucked. We attempted to go to YEllowstone on Friday, but we didn't even get halfway up the Northfork Road and it was raining hard and the temperature had dropped by about 10 degree, leaving it pretty unappealing. We saw a bunch of bighorns and mule deer at least. Monday finally brought 70 degree temps, but a chance of rain. We were determined to get out of the house, and decided to head to the Bighorns to avoid the traffic and unappealing looking weather over yellowstone.
We headed up the bighorns Via lovell and Burgess Junction. The mountains were beautiful. We saw a couple moose and what we think was a sandhill crane, as well as a ton of pronghorns and mule deer and one white tail deer. The white tail made me miss home just a little bit, and also got me thinking about my grandpa, who passed away on Memorial day about 8 years ago. I think we saw several "seasons" while going through the mountains. There was distinctly winter and spring depending on the elevation. There was a lot of snow still up at the top of the mountains, and wildflowers at lower elevation. I was a bit disappointed the trail my mom wants to go on next week is closed and still full of snow. Quite disappointing.
We came home through Buffalo and then around through ten sleep and back up via Worland. It was a nice loop drive, albeit a bit long. The kids did great through most of the journey but got a bit restless around Ten Sleep. We stopped in Worland for dinner, and they both settled down for the rest of the drive home.

A bit of trivia for you. Ten Sleep got it's name because there were two large indian nations in Wyoming. One in Casper, and I don't remember where the other one was, Lander area maybe? Anyway, they would meet in Ten Sleep, and it got it's name because it was exactly 10 sleeps from their home base to get to the meeting point. Kinda cool history!

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