Monday, May 18, 2009

boredom will get you every time! (catching up still)

A most anticipated time in our move was the friday we were supposed to get our phone, cable and INTERNET... I never realized how truely addicted I was until I had no access to the internet. Three came... then 4.. then 5.. 6..a phone call was made.. no.. you are scheduled for Monday. ...HUH!? Argh. We sat around frustrated and bored the rest of the night, and plotted for what to do with out weekend. We hadn't really set any plans, so I was on Randal's tracfone with mom, when Randal suggested we go to Glacier National park for the weekend on Saturday morning. I've never been there..and have wanted to go there for a long time.. I mean.. who can resist a glacial covered mountain that supposedly has giant grasshoppers embedded in the ice?!
The phone call to mom got cut short, and I was packing away for our trip while Randal kept Sierra occupied. In no time we were ready for our oddessy, and on the road.
We got up to Columbus Montana and Randal showed me a bit of the town where he once lived. As we left to head back on our way we started going up a pretty good mountain grade...and the most god-awful noise was made by the car. I suggested we get to a gas station and check the oil...not 100% sure what was wrong.. but since we barely made it up the hill and couldn't rev the engine without it sounding like it was dying, I knew it wasn't good. We limped back to Columbus to a gas station and put in 2 quarts of oil. It sounded much better after it got running so we thought we were off again.. but this time we were heading back home, because we were pretty sure we didn't want to get stuck in the middle of nowhere and weren't sure what was wrong or how much it would cost. We were going along pretty good, when the car made an even worse noise than the last time. We limped to Laurel Montana. We accidently turned a little too quick and the car stalled when we tried to back it up. We knew things weren't looking very good at this point. We got it started again and limped to the gas station, I'm thinking we barely made it. I called AAA and used my road side assistance towing. We hauled it to the chevy dealer just down the road and stayed at the best western across the street. Of course the mechanics had gone home by noon, so we had no way of even thinking about getting it fixed until monday... which is a press run day for Randal, and not optional to miss generally.
I got online and used the walkie talkies to talk to Randal and give him coworkers phone numbers to try to find a ride home, since it's only about an hour and half to laurel. We finally found someone who was home and could give Randal the person's phone number he was looking for. We also found out we had a back up plan at least if she couldnt get us.
Our story made one of his bosses night.. she had a good laugh at our distress. I guess if it didn't suck so bad, we may have too at the time. She told him she'd call back in a bit with a plan. We ordered pizza and hung out at the hotel room waiting for either the pizza or the phone call. At hte very least we had tv, a phone and internet, even if it was just a public use terminal.
She called back and said she had a rental car at the airport in billings waiting for us. ..We just had to get to the airport.. about a half hour away or so. Of course the hotel didnt have a shuttle. Argh. So we knew we'd be getting a Taxi, which didn't sound like the most fun on earth, but oh well.. at least we could get home Sunday.
The pizza showed up, and Sierra was trying hard to help herself. She got little bits of the soft part of the crust and was fairly satisfied. At one point, she tried to get the pizza box which was on a end table between Randal and I. I was engrossed in the tv show for a lil longer than I should have and looked just in time to see her falling off the bed..I caught her before she hit the floor thank god. I felt pretty bad about it for quite a while. I was just thankful she didn;t actually get hurt.
Later just before we went to bed I realized we didn't grab the water for Sierra's bottles in the car. I grumbled but threw shoes on and headed across the street. I got to teh parking lot and was feeling a lil anxious cuz it was fairly dark outside. All of a sudden music started playing softly. I felt like a bad horror movie. If I didn't need the water for her bottles so bad I'd probably have ran back across the street screaming like a lil girl lol. I noticed a window partially open in one of the vehicles parked there.. I eyed it warily, not sure if I remembered it being there before. I hurridly grabbed the stuff I needed from teh car and ran back to the hotel whimpering to Randal about the whole thing. I didn't really sleep very well because of it lol.

Randal rode in the taxi the next morning, to get our Rental. About 10 minutes before checkout I started lugging our stuff out to the lobby...which isn't fun when you have an infant in one arm. Randal showed up with the rental shortly after I got the room cleaned out. I made him carry the stuff to the car. On the way home, he told me about the small nitemare at the car rental place. He got there and they didn't have the reservation. Luckily they still had cars, so we got a Chevy Malibu. We discovered we really hate that car. It has a small, high rear view mirror and the seats are set up so its not very easy to get to Sierra to give her toys or a bottle.... you know.. important things to a mom.
Monday came.. and no phone call from the dealership. Tuesday, we called.. ..."um.. well, we need more time.. we're really not sure what is wrong with it. We talked about our options and decided if it was gonna cost more than 2000 we may as well go for a new vehicle as I really doubted his car was worth more than that. We went shopping online and found a couple cars the dealership had on sale and decided that was probably what we were doing. Word came from teh dealership teh next day.. rods and crankshaft.. 2500-3500.. OUCH!! new car! So we fillde out the online app only to discover we hadn't been in town long enough. ugh... So, my dad came to the rescue and cosigned so we could get the car. We did super good. a 2008 chevy Impala it was much cheaper than blue book value.. we got a great deal on it.
I had been planning on saving money for a new car.. I just wasn;t planning on getting one quite so quickly.
Our internet and stuff got connected monday.. we joked with them and asked if they would pay for the car since it was their fault we got bored and killed the car lol. For some reason they didn't think it was their bill. hmmph.. lol.
so, we got a new car to go along with our new life in Wyoming.. it's funny how things tend to work out so nicely sometimes....even if I still havent saw Glacier NP yet.. but have no fear.. I will.

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