Monday, June 1, 2009

pick-ups, deer and marmots... oh my!!

Saturday brought a double header legion baseball game. We thougth this weekend was going to be a bust..but.. strange things happen! We sat through a brutal 1st game... it ended 19-2 in favor of the billings blue jays. They got 19 runs off 8 hits.. yeah.. that means LOTS of walks and errors! UGH. The second game started, with the kid they are trying to get a D1 look and maybe even major league look.. he already pitches in the upper 80's, they are trying to get him into the low 90's by the end of summer. He saw his 1st 3 batters and struck them all out.. then it began raining a hard and cold rain. We stuck around til it thundered. Randal decided he wanted to go over the big horn mountain range. we were barely out of Powell when some dude in a pickup almost hit us head on, Randal had to swerve off the road to avoid an accident.. no idea what the dude was doing or thinking.. but it scared the heck out of me. ...and I was already nervous because I hate thunderstorms...and heights.. so I wasn't exactly looking forward to the mountain drive. Once up in the big horns, a deer ran in front of us and we almost took him out! I asked Randal if he really thought it was a good idea lol. As it turns out the road going down the other side of the mountain wasnt any where close to as scary as it is going towards home.. go figure.
We saw tons of marmots running across the road and popping out from the cow grates... it was nuts. We saw lots of deer and stuff too.. but only the one was evil and jumped out in front of us.
Randal asked what I wanted to do.. and I really didn't care, I was tired, so I figured if nothing else, I could at least sleep, since Sierra was in her chair and would be safe if I slept.
He decided to check out the area that made my cousin Rhonda cry when she saw it on her way home from visiting us. We'd never been there, so it sounded fun. We also drove by Sheridan.. which is where one of the old coaches from Holton lives.. so at some point we'll have to go visit him and his wife.
The drive to Tensleep/ Worland was very scenic. Lots of pines and moutain views. We stopped at a little boat ramp in the national forest for a pit stop, and met a very nice fisherman who showed us his 13 inch cut throat trout. He also caught a lil one while were were there and showed it to Sierra lol.. she didn't know what to make of it. I can't wait to start fishing out here!
The forest opened up and it was absolutely beautiful! I can see what caused the emotional response in my cousin. It was just a really nice canyon area. ....all the canyons are beautiful. I love going through them. Since we were getting home a lot later than expected I made him stop at Arby's for dinner, cuz there was no way I was eating dinner at 10 or 11 at night. They had it uber cold in there, which sucked. There was another couple who were waiting for their food and dolling over Sierra. They were a lil smarter... they ate outside at the picnic table.. it was definetely warmer there.. at least 70 lol.
the rest of the trip was pretty much in the dark, but all area we'd saw before. The rain wasn't tooooo bad in the areas where it would have been bad, and it didn't lightening toooo close anywhere. It was a pretty nice side trip!

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